Applications for the Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme must be made online via Award Force, an online application platform. If you have not used Award Force in the past, you will need to register an account, before beginning your application.
To register and begin the application process through Award Force, please click HERE. NOW CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS (if you wish to be kept updated with news of any scholarship programmes as they arise, you may sign up for notifications here.)
- Application and supporting documents must be submitted by the deadline: Now extended to Sunday, 21st July 2024 (2300 hrs GMT / 1800 hrs EST).
- In the application you will be asked to upload the following:
- TWO references in English in PDF format by the deadline – Sunday, 21st July 2024 (2300 hrs GMT / 1800 hrs EST)
- Proof of communication (e.g. pdf of email/text document/screen grab) from your proposed host university or institution ( i.e. UCD in Dublin, or a university/institution in Canada), confirming interest in your visit and an indication as to how they propose to support your research work (e.g. office space, support, resources etc) by the deadline.
- Applicants must be currently resident in Ireland/Canada.
- Please complete the application in English.
- All questions must be answered, unless labelled ‘Optional’.
- After submitting the application, the applicant may still continue to edit the application up until the closing deadline.
- Enquiries can only be dealt with by email. To help us manage all queries as efficiently as possible, please check the FAQ section on the website before emailing queries to
- Application and all supporting documents must be submitted online by the deadline: Sunday, 21st July 2024 (2300 hrs GMT / 1800 hrs EST).
- If successful and awarded a scholarship, travel must be completed by 30th June 2026.
The Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme (CDLP) is an initiative of the Ireland Canada University Foundation (ICUF), the UCD Centre for Canadian Studies, and UCD’s College of Arts and Humanities.