
2011 Dobbin and Irish Language Awards

September 13, 2011

Our host, Ambassador Hearn, guest speakers Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore, the Honorable Noel Kinsella, Speaker of the Senate, with Seán Ó Leidhinn, Department of the Gaeltacht, 2011 Dobbin Scholars, 2011 Irish Language Scholars, ICUF Chairman, Prof. Seamus Smyth and ICUF Executive Director, Prof. John Kelly

The 2011 Dobbin and Irish Language awards took place in the Residence of Canadian Ambassador to Ireland, Loyola Hearn. It was a wonderful occasion, and we are deeply grateful to Ambassador and Mrs. Hearn, Maria O’Reilly and all the staff at the Embassy and Residence who made this such great occasion.

It was our great honour to have Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore and the Honourable Noel Kinsella, Speaker of the Senate, as our guest speakers.

To view Speaker Kinsella’s speech click on the frame below;

Speaker Kinsella, feeling some droplets of rain, tabled his speech. In this speech, he spoke of ICUF’s founding chairman Craig Dobbin, and current Chariman Mark Dobbin. He also spoke fondly of his time studying in Ireland, how in Canada they anticipate an “ever greater collaboration with our Irish counterparts; continuing our close, natural relationship of mutual respect and cooperation” His  entire speech can be read here.

Speaker Kinsella presenting Dobbin Scholar Niall Murray with his award

Speaker Kinsella awarded the following scholars;

Irish Dobbin Scholars:

Mary Halton, University College Dublin, AGF International scholar (in absentia)
Kelsey McEvoy, Athlone Institute of Technology, Atlantic Corridor Scholar
Niall Murray, Athlone Institute of Technology, Atlantic Corridor Scholar
Áine McElhinney, University College Dublin, CHC (Ireland) Ltd
Natasa Paterson, Trinity College Dublin, CRH plc Scholar
Malcolm Byrne, Queen’s University Belfast & Institute of Public Administration, Craig C Dobbin Scholar

Canadian Dobbin Scholars (awarded in absentia)

Kelly O’Brien, University of Toronto, Elaine Dobbin Scholar
Bo Cui, University of Waterloo, Professor Waters Scholar
Ryan Gibson, Memorial University, Mark Dobbin Scholar
Agnieszka Kurek, Carleton University, Sprott Foundation Scholar

Speaker Kinsella’s speech, and the presentation of Dobbin scholarships was following by a speech by An Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore. Tánaiste Gilmore’s speech can be viewed here;

Following the example of Speaker Kinsella, with an eye to the gathering clouds, Tánaiste Gilmore abridged his speech somewhat, and the entirety can be read here.

The 2011 Irish Language Scholars with Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore, Sean Ó Leidhinn (an Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta), with Prof. John Kelly, Prof. Seamus Smyth and James Kelly of ICUF.


An Tánaiste awarded the following scholars, whose scholarship is funded by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (destination university listed);

Senior Visiting Scholar

Regina Uí Chollatáin, St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Junior Visiting Scholars

Críostóir Ó hUlgín, St. Thomas University, New Brunswick
Aoife Ní Ríordáin, Concordia University, Montreal
Daithí Ó Ceallacháin, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto
Catríona Ní Conchúir, St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Muireann Ní Chíobháin, Memorial University, Newfoundland
Darren Ó Dochartaigh, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia

Awards made to the following Canadian Irish Language Scholars were also acknowledged;

Jenna Hartigan, Memorial University
Daniel Bull, St. Thomas University
Daniel Giesbrecht, St. Mary’s University
Tara Haveling, Concordia
Patrick John Treacy, University of Toronto
Veronica Troy, St. Francis Xavier University


As is customary, the formal presentation of awards was followed by a relaxed reception, where scholars and guests had the opportunity to mingle. Amongst our esteemed guests were his Eminence Cardinal Sean Brady, pictured below with Prof Philip Nolan (President, NUIM), Una Phillips, Michael Phillips (former Canadian Ambassador), Prof Seamus Smyth and Rosemary Smyth.

The Honourable Peter MacKay, Canada’s Minister of National Defence, was also a guest, pictured below with Ambassaor Hearn and Darren Ó Dochartaigh, Irish Language Scholar who will working in St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish over the coming year.


Further pictures of the awards ceremony can be viewed by clicking here.