Colm O’Kane
Sponsor: CHC
Project Title: Improvement of knee prosthesis design through the merging of Irish & Canadian development approaches
Home University: DIT
University to Visit: University of British Columbia
Colm’s research has resulted in the delivery of a conference paper, “Estimation of 3D shape in the Patellofemoral Joint using Statistical Shape Models and 2D Data” (O’Kane, Colm, McWalter, Emily 2010). This was presented at the Sixteenth Annual Bioengineering in Ireland Conference of the Section of Bioengineering of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (RAMI). Dublin, January 2010.
The research was reported in DIT Research News, March 2010, and Colm hopes to publish joint journal paper next year.
“The ICUF scholarship formed a key part of the “scoping” phase of my PhD research. I gained exposure to technologies and techniques which would not have been possible within my own research group. Furthermore, working with another research team helped to broaden the possibilities for my research… my gratitude to the board and sponsors of ICUF for making the research visit possible and to commend you on great work in developing academic links between the two nations.“