Darragh Gannon
D’Arcy McGee Beacon Fellow 2021:
Dr Darragh Gannon
Research Fellow
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Queen’s University Belfast
Host and University:
Dr Mark G McGowan
Professor of History
University of Toronto
Interim Principal & Vice-President
University of St. Michael’s College
Title of Beacon Lecture held on 30th March 2021:
In Search of Global Ireland: Locating the Irish Diaspora in the Decade of Commemorations Delivered by Dr Darragh Gannon of Queen’s University Belfast
YouTube link to Beacon Lecture:
Other Links:
University of St. Michael’s College – https://stmikes.utoronto.ca/
Celtic Studies, St. Michael’s College – https://stmikes.utoronto.ca/program/c…