
Presentation to Canadian Minister for Finance, Jim Flaherty

June 24, 2012

ICUF is very grateful to the Canadian Government for its support of our Dobbin Scholarship programme. Funding pledged in 2011 by the governments of both Canada and Ireland has resulted in a 100% rise in the number of scholars receiving Dobbin scholarships.

This year sees ten Canadian scholars travelling to Ireland and ten Irish scholars travelling to Canada, to conduct their research. Working across a wide range of academic fields, what these scholars all share is that their work will help build on the academic links between our two countries.


Prof. John Kelly read an extract which informed the Minister of the colourful exploits of one of his 15th century ancestors

Canada’s Minister for Finance Jim Flaherty has been instrumental in assisting ICUF realising this funding, and when the Minister was in Dublin recently, we were delighted to have to opportunity to present him with a small token of thanks, a beautiful bound edition of A chorographical description of West or H-Iar Connaught / written by Roderic O’Flaherty in 1684, in a version edited by James Hardiman in 1846.

Prof. Seamus Smyth speaking with Minister Flaherty