The Flaherty Program has been initiated to support to the continued development of academic links between Canada and Ireland. Applications are welcome from applicants of all ages, from all academic disciplines, whose work has the potential to further the objectives of this program, as outlined elsewhere on this website, here and here.
Applicants must be permanent residents of either country, and have been living there for at least three of the past five years at the time of application. For further information on this criterion, please view the FAQ page.
An external panel of assessors from Canada and Ireland will review and assess applications in the light of the stated aims and objectives of the Flaherty Program, and Visiting Professorships will be awarded to those applicants whom the assessment panel decide will best deliver on these objectives.
We anticipate final assessments to be complete by the panel of assessors by end-July, and will communicate with applicants immediately at that point.
Additional Information
Responses to this Call for Submission of Proposals will be treated in confidence and no information contained therein will be communicated to any third party without the written permission of the applicant, except insofar as is specifically required for the consideration and evaluation of the proposal.
In order to ensure the broad objectives of the program are met in any particular year, the assessment committee may decide to limit the number of awards made to a specific academic discipline.
The submission of an application shall also be construed as consent by the applicant (a) to participate in the peer-review process, and (b) to the terms and conditions of the program as outlined on this website.